Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Jan celebration

OK, Jan session is officially over (well, a few homework still left to be done). We went to John Harvard brew house near Harvard square. It turned to be pretty good. Almost everybody showed up and a few SDM07 folks. It's sad that the distance learning folks are leaving town though. Well, they will be famous though (since they'll be on TV:)).


Jeremy said...

That means we'll all be famous as those of us that are local will be on a TV at some remote sites :)

Ben Jiang said...

Cool, I'll dress up for those video-delivered class;).

SN said...

Famous is not necessarily good. As one of the examples(brought up by Albert) famous for picking your nose while 40+ folks are looking at you on a gigantic screen is not the best thing…

Also, my understanding is that "remote" folks will be on a full size screen in the front of the classroom, whereas locals would not necessarily be in focus, so the pressure is on the “remote” students.